Inform, help and support the tech community
My name is Arthur and I have a passion for technology and learning how things work. I am hoping in making this site I will become more organized in my learning process and have a place to store some of my resources. I welcome all to join and do the same.
Inspiring creative work
This page is a learning curve for me, and I will strive to improve it as I move along. I originally spent quite a bit of time creating a website in the Django framework. For now, using WordPress is making this much simpler. Although the pain of coding everything in HTML, CSS, and Python has taught me a lot, I would like to focus more time with some other subjects and ideas to post up in this blog. The simplicity of WordPress made this easy. I want to learn about cyber security and see where it takes me, but I also want a core understanding of computer science fundamentals and programming. I have found many helpful resources which i would like to share, along with notes on various topics or tools/programs, CTF challenge write-ups/walkthroughs, and videos. I consider myself a newb in a vast subject, and always trying to learn more.
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